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How to Lose Weight Calorie Deficit (Counting Calories)

Writer's picture: Dr. AshnaDr. Ashna

Updated: May 6, 2022

How to Lose Weight Calorie Deficit (Counting Calories)

Weight loss is a fickle and elusive process. The body and mind will often resist the process of weight loss to protect the status quo. There are many different ways to lose weight, but calorie counting is the most popular.

Even then, losing weight is only half of the battle for many. The other half, of course, involves maintaining that weight. There is a significant difference between regular weight loss and what the fitness community refers to as "sustainable weight loss." What makes weight loss sustainable? Well, it involves several factors.

First, it is essential to lose weight healthily, eat less, and exercise more. The problem with this approach is that most people do not have the time to eat fewer calories and exercise more, so the calorie counting method comes into play.

This is because it allows one to eat less and exercise more without actually changing their diet at all. If you're new to the concept of calorie counting, or you've never heard of calorie counting before, then this article will be your introduction to the idea.

We'll also cover some of the advantages and disadvantages of this method to decide whether or not you want to adopt it as your weight-loss method.

Sustainable weight loss means that you can continue to eat the same amount of food and still lose weight, and it also means that you will not be subject to the hunger pangs and cravings that accompany calorie restriction.

This article will discuss calorie counting so that anyone can easily understand, regardless of fitness level or knowledge about weight loss.

Losing weight is a lot like cooking. If you know how to cook, you’ll be able to make delicious meals that taste great and nourish your body with nutritious foods.

The same principle applies when losing weight: if you know how to lose weight, you’ll be able to make delicious meals that will nourish your body with nutritious foods and help it lose fat. This article will teach you how to do just that!

Understanding the Basics: What is Calorie Deficit?

Losing weight is not just about restricting calories, and calorie deficit is a more comprehensive way of losing weight.

At its core, calorie deficit refers to the caloric intake to lose weight.

The calorie deficit goal is to achieve a negative energy balance and make sure your daily energy expenditure is higher than the energy content you eat. This energy deficit will lead to your body burning more calories per day than you consume.

How does someone do the equations that will lead to an energy deficit? Well, by adjusting your food intake, of course! Food consumption is based on calories, and the most important thing to understand is that the number of calories your body needs is directly proportional to your weight.

To lose weight, the body must be in a negative energy balance. When this happens, the body begins to shift its metabolism from using stored fat to burning stored fat for energy. The process is called "metabolic adaptation".

Let's say the average person consumes 3,500 calories a day. In order to achieve sustainable weight loss, you must consume fewer calories than you burn, which can be done by simply reducing your caloric intake by 500-1000 calories per day.

As you reduce your caloric intake, the body will shift its metabolism and burn stored fat instead of carbs and sugars for energy. Your body will look leaner and less bulky over time because it will have stopped storing fat as adipose tissue, such as fatty tissue.

The Diet-Based Approaches to a Calorie Deficit

The calorie deficit approach to weight loss is the most popular, and for a good reason. It is the easiest and most effective way to lose weight. The best part about this method is that it can be implemented on a short-term basis as well as a long-term basis.

You can use the calorie deficit approach when you start or use it after having already been successful with other methods. Diets focusing on getting the right balance of daily calorie intake and keeping an eye out for the calorie content of your foods are the most effective.

The problem with this approach is that it is also the most difficult to implement. There are so many foods that contain more calories than you would expect, and it can be challenging to stay within your daily calorie intake.

In addition, there are a lot of food additives that you might not be aware of. It would help if you also watched out for foods with a high-fat content because they tend to have more calories than other foods that don't have a high-fat content.

Thankfully, there are many tools and methods to give you all the information you need regarding the sources of calories you should seek out and those you should stay away from. So let's get into some of these methods!

Calorie Counter

One of the best ways to track your daily calorie intake is to use a calorie counter. These applications allow you to input your current weight and caloric intake, and the application will tell you how many calories you need to consume to lose weight.

There are many different calorie counters, but the most popular is MyFitnessPal. This application is available for Android and iOS devices, so there's no excuse not to use it!

The best part about using a calorie counter is providing you with your daily recommended calorie intake based on your current weight. The bad part about using a calorie counter is that it can be tedious if you want to keep track of every bite of food you eat each day.

You also have to manually enter all of the food you eat for the application to calculate the calories from food and give you your daily caloric intake.

However, with a little bit of time and patience, you will likely soon be an expert at examining food labels to differentiate between high-calorie food and low-energy-dense foods easily.

When you correctly use the information compiled in these applications, you can be sure to go meal to meal with the guarantee that you're putting wholesome, nutritious food in your stomach.

Portion Control

Another great way to help you lose weight is to make sure you're eating the right portions. This is a valuable method for those who aren't keen on filling up their plates with just leafy greens and unprocessed foods. There's a reason why so many people turn to sugary food as a source of comfort. Sometimes you want to relax and eat a slice of pizza, you know?

That's where this method comes in. Instead of hyper-focusing on what you eat, this method focuses on adjusting your portion sizes. It's the only way to ensure that you're getting the right amount of food, so it is worth looking into.

There are a few different ways to adjust your portion sizes. You can increase or decrease good portions dramatically from the start. This method is not necessarily very effective because most people struggle when they eat smaller portions at the beginning of their diet. This can be attributed to people tending to lose their appetite when eating healthier foods.

There's a reason why the concept of a "cheat day" is almost an inevitable thing.

Instead, try making these changes gradually and lessening a few calories per gram at a time. It will be easier for you to maintain your new habits and make it through the tough times.

Some also don't necessarily reduce their daily calories; instead, they apply this method by eating smaller portions of food between shorter intervals instead of just three normal-sized meals. This way, they can avoid hunger pangs coming at the most inopportune times.

The critical thing to remember here is that these changes should be gradual. Don't suddenly change your diet overnight and expect to get the results you want. It takes time for your body to adjust to the new foods you're eating, so don't expect it to happen overnight.

No-Go: Fad Diets

While it is true that calorie counting is a valuable method for losing weight, you should avoid fad diets. Fad diets tend to cause rapid weight loss, but they don't teach you how to lose weight healthily. Instead of eating less and exercising more, these diets focus on restricting calories and the types of foods you can eat.

A fad diet is a short-term approach that only teaches you how to lose weight in an unhealthy way for your body. It can also make you feel like you're starving all the time because of all the restrictions on your diet.

In addition, most fad diets do not allow for any flexibility whatsoever. Some have dieters taking drastic measures, such as eating only 500 calories per day or skipping entire meals.

Such methods should be approached with caution. While they may help reduce your weight in nearly an instant, these changes will rarely remain for a long time. So if there's one thing that will hinder your ability to maintain a sustainable weight loss, it has restrictions in place that don't allow for flexibility in your diet!

Manage Your Activity Levels

One of the most critical factors in maintaining sustainable weight loss is making sure you're getting enough exercise. If you don't get enough exercise, your body will begin to store fat instead of burning it.

This is because it's hard to burn fat if you're not doing anything. It's why it's hard to run up a flight of stairs or do other activities that involve an elevated heart rate activity. Even if you're in top physical shape, you won't be able to do anything athletic if you don't do any physical activity.

You need to make sure that your exercise routine involves an activity per week that burns calories rather than an activity that makes your muscles feel good. Remember that building muscle will help your metabolic rate, making weight maintenance more manageable.

Make sure to keep track of your metabolic rate to adjust your activity level to fit your capabilities and needs best.

For example, if you're a total newbie, you can try walking or jogging for 30 minutes every day for the first week. Factors like gender, caloric deficit, and initial weight can also affect what plan fits you best. Women, for example, would likely not be able to lift heavier weights as fast as men who already have the habit of going to the gym.

It would help if you tried to avoid activities that will cause your muscles to feel overly sore and heavy after a few hours. This will lead to increased food cravings and less time spent exercising overall, reducing your body weight.

Maintain a Nurturing Lifestyle

A healthy weight loss should not be focused solely on reducing body weight, and rather, one of the most crucial things is also nurturing your mental health. If you want to maintain a healthy weight loss, you should aim to maintain a lifestyle that encourages your body and mind.

This is where you need to focus on healthy eating habits and exercise. You need to be able to eat a variety of foods and drink lots of water. It's also vital that you focus on building muscle mass and reducing your body fat percentage to improve health.

It's also essential that you don't skip out on sleep or rest when trying to lose weight. There are certain times of the day when you should not be active because it will affect your energy levels and make it harder for you to lose weight.

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