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How to Lose Weight After Birth - The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

Writer's picture: Dr. AshnaDr. Ashna

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

How to Lose Weight After Birth - Weight Loss Guide

Losing weight after pregnancy can be a tedious struggle all on its own. If you have never tried to lose weight before, you will find that it is a struggle all on its own. So many women are overweight and obese after giving birth, and the reason for this is that the hormones after delivery can cause women to gain weight very quickly.

If you are looking to lose weight after giving birth, you will have to do it very quickly, or else it will be too late.

For example, many women start dieting again when they give birth and fail because they don’t know how to do it correctly. Dieting is learning how to eat less and what foods you should be eating and what foods you should be avoiding.

Fortunately, we're here to help. If you want some pointers on how to lose weight after giving birth, make sure to read on!

How to Lose Weight After Birth - The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

How Delivery Changes Your Weight Loss Efforts

When you have a baby, your hormones change, and this causes weight gain. The weight gain is because you become more tired and tired, which causes you to eat more food. In addition, the weight gain is not just from the hormones; your metabolism changes, which causes weight gain.

When a woman gives birth, her metabolism slows down drastically, which means that she will have to do much more work to burn off calories than before she gave birth. In other words, if you want to lose weight after giving birth, you will have to ensure that you are eating the right foods and exercising properly to burn off the calories your body has gained while pregnant.

There are many ways of losing weight after giving birth. Still, some of the most common ones are eating healthier foods, staying active, and eating in moderation.

Knowing How Soon to Start

Before we get to how to construct successful postpartum weight retention or loss, let's talk about the obvious: how soon is it safe to start? You may feel worried that if you don't start immediately, you will never be able to.

​Postpartum weight retention is different for every woman. You may find that you can start trying to lose weight a few weeks after giving birth, while others may want to wait a few months. It all depends on how your body feels and how well you can cope with the new changes.

If you start right away, there's a chance that you'll get discouraged and stop. It's better to do something, but don't do too much. Start slow, then increase your weight loss efforts as your body becomes more accustomed to eating less.

Per a study conducted by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, pregnancy weight gain consists of several different things. This includes the baby, extra fat stores, placenta, amniotic fluid, blood, breast tissue, and uterus enlargement.

That fat is also used as an energy reserve for giving birth and breastfeeding. When excess weight is gained, it can result in too much fat. People generally call baby weight, and it happens a lot.

When you become pregnant, you are not recommended to restrict the amount of food you eat because it could affect your baby's development. Instead of trying to lose weight, rely on gaining only the recommended amount during pregnancy.

There will be a difference in this amount depending on what weight you have weighed before and your weight after pregnancy. However, it would help if you had a healthy diet before, during, and after pregnancy.

Start exercising gently during the first few days after giving birth, unless your delivery was complicated or you had a cesarean section. If you are uncertain, it's best to ask your doctor first. By achieving a healthy weight after pregnancy, you reduce your risk of future pregnancies, and you will live a longer life.

​One of the health benefits of weight loss after pregnancy is that it can help to prevent or treat type 2 diabetes. If you are overweight, your body may have a hard time using insulin to control blood sugar levels, and this can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Losing weight can help you control your blood sugar levels better. If you are thinking about how to lose weight after giving birth and want to breastfeed, there is no need to worry, and you can breastfeed and lose weight simultaneously. Breastfeeding can quickly help you burn calories and lose weight.

How to Lose Weight After Birth - The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

What Not to Do: Fad and Crash Diets

Rapid weight loss with fad diets, crash diets, and pills is not a good idea. You should, in general, practice caution over diets that promise to help you lose weight fast. The problem with these diets is that they don’t work, and they help you lose weight in the short term, but they don’t teach you how to maintain your weight loss in the long term.

Instead, it would help if you had a balanced diet on top of a good workout routine that will ensure that you are eating right and getting enough exercise to maintain your weight loss after giving birth. This is also referred to as a sustainable weight loss plan.

This is because when you do crash diets, your body gets used to eating less, and then you will eventually start eating a lot more once the diet period ends. This may lead to more weight gain in the long run because your body has gotten used to eating less.

The other problem with crash diets is that they tend to cause you to binge eat and eat unhealthy foods. Binge eating can cause weight gain and even make it harder for you to lose weight in the long term.

So instead of trying to do a fad or crash diet, you should try a sustainable weight loss plan that will help you maintain your weight loss after giving birth. If you stick with this plan, it will be much easier for you to maintain your weight loss after giving birth.

In addition, you should avoid crash diets if you have high blood pressure or cholesterol. These conditions can worsen when you lose weight quickly. So, following a sustainable weight loss plan is best to avoid any health risks.

How to Lose Weight After Birth - The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

What You Should Do: Create a Weight Loss Plan

Creating a weight loss plan is the best way to lose weight after giving birth. This plan should be made with your doctor, so they can help you determine how many calories you need to eat and how many you should burn each day.

Your weight loss plan should include a healthy diet and an exercise routine. It would help if you aimed to eat healthy foods and get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. This exercise can be in the form of a brisk walk, jogging, swimming, or even playing with your baby.

By following a healthy diet and exercise routine, you will be able to lose weight safely and slowly. This is the best way to lose weight after giving birth, and it will also help you keep the weight off in the long term.

How Breastfeeding Helps

You may ask yourself this: can breastfeeding help lose weight? Magically, it can! Your body burns between 400 and 500 calories every day to produce breast milk supply, and those calories come from what you eat and the fat you store during pregnancy.

That extra calorie-burning boost can help some moms get back to their pre-pregnancy weights without doing much else.

When you breastfeed, hormones are released that help shrink your uterus and post-baby belly. But breastfeeding is not guaranteed to return to your pre-baby body, so you shouldn't necessarily look at it that way.

Some moms find that they can eat more than usual while having a steady milk production because they are hungrier, which means they hang on to the last five or ten pounds of baby weight. This is normal, as you need that extra energy to produce these extra fluids.

Your enlarged appetite is normal, and your body needs more calories to produce milk. Nothing is worse than ignoring your appetite and deliberately trying to reduce the amount of food you eat, decreasing your milk supply.

Some moms find that they lose a few pounds when they stop nursing, and their appetites return to normal.

Just be sure you do not continue to eat the extra 400 to 500 calories each day once you are breastfeeding.

Suppose breastfeeding alone is not enough to allow you to regain your weight. In that case, adjusting your food intake and exercise is safe to try to lose up to one to two pounds every week.

Stay away from crash diets that promise quick weight loss because those can affect how much milk you produce.

How to Lose Weight After Birth - The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

Healthy Food for Breast-Feeding Women

As you know, you will have to change your diet completely when you start breastfeeding. The main thing that you need to focus on is making sure that you are eating a healthy diet. You must eat foods such as lean meat, fruits, and vegetables. If possible, get all your food from organic sources to avoid chemicals and other unhealthy ingredients.

​Whole grains are one of the best healthy foods to help you lose weight after pregnancy, and these will help you to feel fuller for longer and are also packed with nutrients that your body needs. Try and eat whole grains bread, pasta, and rice instead of processed versions.

Another great food to help you lose weight while breastfeeding is yogurt. This food is packed with protein, which will help to keep you feeling fuller for longer. It is also a good source of calcium, essential for developing your baby's bones.

You should also make sure that you are drinking plenty of water every day. This will help to keep you hydrated, and it will also flush out toxins from your body.

It is important to avoid caffeine and alcohol while you are breastfeeding. These substances can pass into your breast milk and harm your baby. It will help if you avoid smoking, hurting your milk supply.

Get Your Fix of Protein and Omega

You should also eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids because they are perfect for your health. It is also essential to try and get enough protein in your diet to help keep your metabolism running at its best. If possible, try and get all your protein from fish because it has the highest amount of protein compared to other types of meat.

Keep Healthy Snacks in Hand

You must also have healthy snacks in your fridge to avoid getting tempted to eat highly processed foods. You should always try and have at least one healthy snack with you, whether it is fruit or nuts. It is also a good idea to always have fruit on hand because it is a good energy source.

Often, people fail at their diets because they get hunger pangs during ungodly hours of the day and can't find healthy options nearby. Because of this, they get sugary snacks that are high in fat content and have harmful preservatives. This is why it is a good idea always to have a healthy snack in your fridge to avoid being tempted to eat unhealthy foods.

You can ensure you don’t go hungry by always having healthy snacks in your fridge. These include nuts, fruits, and vegetables. The other thing you should do is drink lots of water daily to help you stay hydrated and maintain a healthy weight.

Find Healthier Alternatives to Your Regular Food

One of the things you should do is find healthier alternatives to your regular food. For example, if you love pizza, try to make your pizza instead of buying the pre-made ones. If you enjoy having toast for breakfast, you can start eating wheat bread instead.

This will help you eat healthier food, and it will also save you money. You can make your pizza using tomato sauce, cheese, and vegetable toppings.

You can substitute certain ingredients in your favorite recipes by using healthier alternatives such as low-fat or sugar-free products. Healthy eating will help you eat more nutritious food without spending too much on unhealthy foods.

​Losing weight after pregnancy can be difficult, but it is possible. By following the tips above, you will be well on getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight. Remember to be patient, and don't get discouraged if you have a setback. With a little hard work and dedication, you can reach your weight loss goals.

How to Lose Weight After Birth - The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

Getting the Right Exercise for Postpartum Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight after pregnancy, you should do some form of daily physical activity. This is because exercise helps you burn calories, so you must do this. The best way to lose weight after pregnancy is to walk or do some light weights in the gym daily. If you want to lose weight after giving birth without gaining it back, you must exercise more than once a day.

Solid choices for postnatal exercises that can bulk up your muscles and burn energy quicker include squats, crunches, push-ups, and even brisk walking. You can also swim regularly or take classes in yoga and Pilates.

When you perform physical activity, your body gets a rush of energy needed to burn calories. Suppose you can do a few exercises daily and ensure you get the proper training. In that case, you will be able to lose weight after giving birth very quickly.

Setting Realistic Goals

If you eat wisely and exercise gently, you may be able to lose a pound each week. Maybe this may not sound that big of a number, but be patient. First of all, take care of yourself and preserve your energy. Eat an adequate serving size of meals and exercise. Some people find that it takes six months or more to regain the weight they lost when they were pregnant.

Crash and fad diets are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding people because they don’t provide the nutrients you and your baby need. Make sure to focus on maintaining your health and the quality of your milk and fluids. Remember that you're now in charge of the nutrition of two people, not just yourself!

After you have children, you may notice that your body has changed. Some women become frustrated and ask, “How do I lose belly fat?” However, you should know that this is normal. Whether you decide to lose weight, you should still enjoy a healthy lifestyle and be proud of what you have achieved.

How much weight do you naturally lose after giving birth?

Almost half of the pregnant women lose weight after undergoing C-sections. The major part comes naturally from your baby, as many babies weigh around five to eight pounds. Lose baby weight also includes the placenta and amniotic fluid.

This weight loss is caused mainly due to the delivery of the placenta and the removal of the amniotic liquids surrounding the baby during the mother's development period.

Immediately postpartum, you can lose some extra weight if the fluid remains. If you feel sweatier than usual, this may explain why! The average female should reach 30 to 45 pounds during pregnancy, which is a good starting point. But this isn't everything.

Additionally, other things could be included in this number, such as the weight of your baby's vernix caseosa (a white, cheese-like substance that covers and protects your baby's skin during the last few weeks of development), your blood volume, increased breast tissue, and the amniotic fluid.

After you give birth, you will also lose some of the weight from the increased blood volume and the placenta. So, all in all, it's safe to say that the average weight loss post-birth is around 10 to 15 pounds.

Of course, this number can differ from person to person depending on how much weight they gained during pregnancy, their diet, and their physical activity levels.

It's also important to remember that if you are breastfeeding, you must increase your calorie intake to support milk production.

This means that you may not see as much weight loss while breastfeeding, but it is still possible to lose weight while providing milk for your baby.

The best way to lose weight after birth is gradual. You can start by cutting out processed foods and sugary drinks and by adding more fruits, vegetables, and lean protein to your diet.

It would help if you also aimed to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. If you are breastfeeding, you may need to increase your calorie intake to support milk production. However, losing weight while providing milk for your baby is still possible.

When can you start working out after giving birth?

Most mothers should wait until their first check-up at the time of the birth, generally around 6-8 weeks. It can be helpful to take walks simultaneously and do gentle stretching or yoga during these times. But your doctor wants to check on you for a better start in exercise. The delivery time depends upon several things, such as what kind of delivery you have. Women with a straightforward birth can often start exercising immediately, and having a C-section is an additional challenge.

Does breastfeeding help you lose weight?

Is that possible? Your stomach burns about 500 calories per night when storing breast milk, mainly from your diet. This energy boost can help some mom to lose weight without any other action. Breastfeeding increases uterine and peritoneal hormone release, which helps shrink the breast. Nevertheless, breastfeeding does not guarantee your pregnancy. Many women eat more food during pregnancy because they feel hungry and therefore keep up with their last five-10 pounds of baby weight.

When can you start working out after giving birth?

Most mothers should wait until their first check-up at the time of the birth, generally around 6-8 weeks. It can be helpful to take walks simultaneously and do gentle stretching or yoga during these times. But your doctor wants to check on you for a better start in exercise. The delivery time depends upon several things, such as what kind of delivery you have. Women with a straightforward birth can often start exercising immediately, and having a C-section is an additional challenge.

Postpartum weight loss: Exercise and nutrition tips

Here is a list of exercise and nutrition tips for postpartum weight loss:

Get Moving:

Exercise is essential for postpartum weight loss. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. If you’re starting, begin with 10-15 minutes and gradually work your way up.

Eat Real Food:

Fill your diet with nutrient-rich whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of caffeine.

Drink Plenty of Water:

Drinking water will help to keep you hydrated and may also help to boost your metabolism. Aim for eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

Get Plenty of Sleep:

Getting enough sleep is crucial for postpartum weight loss. Aim for seven to eight hours per night.

Try a Postpartum Weight Loss Supplement:

There are several postpartum weight loss supplements on the market. Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements, as some may not be safe for breastfeeding mothers.

Final Thoughts

Losing weight after giving birth can be a challenge. However, it is possible to safely lose weight by eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, and making other lifestyle changes. If you’re struggling to lose weight, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian for additional help and support.

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